The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805

Primary Scholarships

The Jannali High School is an active member of the Heart of The Shire Community of Schools (HOTSCOS). The school has a focus on excellence in education and the development of active positive citizens.

School priorities include:

  • Promoting excellence in student achievement,
  • Developing inquiring, critical, independent learners and leaders,
  • Promoting engagement and a positive learning community,
  • Quality teaching and learning,
  • Formative assessment and feedback and
  • Student voice and leadership

These are important drivers in the school’s improvement agenda.

As such we offer a SCHOLARSHIP for ONE student from each of our feeder primary schools, who is enrolling into TJHS in Year 7. This award is designed to recognise a Year 6 student, who attends a feeder primary school and will be attending TJHS in Year 7, works hard to improve themselves, makes a positive contribution to school life and who demonstrates behaviours that align to The Jannali High School CARE values and expectations. Transitioning to high school presents many challenges including financial costs associated with school expenses, uniforms and equipment. The Year 7 Scholarship Award recipient and their family will benefit from these expenses being waived to support their transition to The Jannali High School.