The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805


Our Student Representative Council (SRC) has written a student friendly version of our Anti Bullying Plan:

The Jannali High School is an excellent public high school. Our teachers and students care for each other. We all work together to support the needs of all students. We want all students to know that they can tell someone if they are feeling upset, and that they are not alone.

We believe that everyone must be able to feel safe and secure at school. We aim to work together against all forms of bullying.

We define bullying as ‘continual conflict in ways which hurt another student either physically, mentally or socially.’ We understand that, despite the original intention, teasing or joking is bullying if the victim feels threatened or intimidated.

The Jannali High School understands that situations of conflict can occur and we want everyone to be aware that reports of conflict will be taken seriously and we will help support the people involved. Our teachers and students work together to prevent further cases of bullying. We also want our students to show us positive bystander behaviour, meaning: “If you see it, stop it or tell someone about what you have seen!”

We take pride in the environment we have created to actively counter bullying. We have many anti bullying programs that build resilience in our students, both in classroom teaching and whole year group excursions.

We respond to any early sign of bullying to prevent it becoming a bigger problem. The Jannali High School is very aware of the problem of bullying and acts effectively on it. Anti Harassment Orders (AHO’s), welfare support and links with other agencies have ensured that out students feel safe and secure at school. Our Deputy Principals, Mrs Waser and Mr Stewart will discuss matters with all involved and respond accordingly.

If you have any problems or concerns about bullying please talk to your Year Adviser or your Deputy Principal. If you prefer, you can even email the school on if you need help. We want your time at school to be positive in our caring friendly environment.

We understand we are all responsible for the wellbeing of every member of our school. Let’s work together to support everyone at our school!

Follow this link to view our Anti-Bullying Plan

Anti-Bullying:  Wear it Purple Day Initiative

The Jannali High School is a proud, inclusive and diverse school community where every student has the right to be known, cared for and valued. This includes being free of any forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination.

This annual event is one of advocacy that aims to encourage acceptance and empowerment. Together we hope that a dash of purple will promote and foster a safe and supportive environment for our students from the LGBTQIA + community and their families. 

Stand Up Stand Out

Wear it Purple Day presentation