The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805


Absence from school means your child misses out on vital information and maintaining learning routines. This can result in a loss of confidence and limited social experiences, which are so vital in forming effective friendships.

Attendance is recorded electronically each morning, as well as during every lesson. As a parent or carer you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day, including sports days unless your child:

  • has an unavoidable medical or dental appointment (preferably these should be made after school or during holidays)
  • is required to attend a recognised religious holiday
  • is required to attend an exceptional or urgent family circumstance (such as attending a funeral)
  • is sick, or has an infectious illness.

Students need to attend school regularly to meet the course requirements of the Higher School Certificate.

If you are having difficulty getting your child to attend school regularly, you might like to talk to the Year Adviser, Deputy Principal or the school counsellor.

If your child has to be absent from school for any reason, including arriving late or leaving early, please inform the administration assistants at our school, or explain the reason by phone, email, or written note as soon as possible. 

Explanations for absences from school should be provided, preferably in writing, within seven days. Otherwise an unjustified absence is recorded.


If for any reason your child is late to school, a note from home must be provided explaining the reason for his/her lateness.

We also have an SMS and email messaging system to inform parents of their child's absence / lateness that enables parents to provide a reason.

Parents should not use the numbers on these SMS messages other than to reply to a message sent from the school. Unsolicited messages sent to this number are not received by the school.

Early Leavers

If you require your child to leave school before the end of the school day, for any reason, a note from home is required explaining the reason and the time the student is required  to leave.

The student should present this not to the Front Office BEFORE school in the morning so an early leave pass can be issues. 



If you child feels unwell at any time during the day, they are to tell their classroom teacher who will then provide them with a note to go to the Sick Bay. 

Students are not to call / text home and ask to be picked up. The administration staff will call a parent / emergency contact and arrange for the child to be collected.