The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805

About our school

Our school

The Jannali High School (TJHS) is a co-educational high school in the Sutherland Shire with a proud tradition of academic excellence in a supportive environment. Our experienced and dedicated staff, provide traditional and innovative teaching in well-managed classrooms. Personal and social responsibility is nurtured, respected and rewarded. TJHS regularly achieves outstanding academic results in the Higher School Certificate, including Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks in the 90s.

At The Jannali High School we are focused on:

  • Strengthening student achievement (improve student outcomes by creating high expectations, providing quality teaching and valuing a culture of learning)
  • Fostering independent learners and creative thinking (focus on the individual learning of all to develop independent thinkers)
  • Promoting school and community engagement (provide a caring community which promotes responsible, successful learners and proactive members of our community)

The school provides an extensive and diverse curriculum choice for all students. A Dance program was introduced into the curriculum in 2014 with immediate success for the ensemble group, who were selected to perform in the Schools Spectacular. 

At TJHS we seek to instil in students a sense of personal integrity and foster a school-wide climate of mutual respect. We are committed to providing a learning environment where students develop self-discipline and respect for the rights of others. Our student welfare policy focuses on the development of strong sense of personal responsibility supported by a clear and consistent system of discipline. Our successful anti-bullying and anti-harassment strategies have been adopted by other schools. TJHS has vibrant and strong links with its community, parents and local partner primary schools, as well as a number of universities and TAFE campuses.

We are a proud member of the Heart of the Shire Community of Schools, a group of eleven local schools working together to enhance educational opportunities for our students. Our school is friendly, welcoming and success oriented. Visitors comment on the calm and positive atmosphere at Jannali and the active engagement of students in learning.

This is what some of our parents say about The Jannali High School:

  • TJHS has exceptionally caring teachers and gives every child the opportunity to excel in so many ways – sport, drama, music, the arts, design, leadership! This high school really does care and provides a safe and caring environment for all children to succeed.”
  • My children have been encouraged to grow and excel academically in a supportive and caring environment. My children have always been provided with constructive feedback to allow them to improve and are appropriately awarded and acknowledged for their efforts.”
  • The school expects manners, respect of others and a sense of self worth and achievement. This is what a high school should do. I can't wait for my youngest child to start!”
  • The biggest selling point for both my husband and myself was the way the current students behaved and interacted on the School Open Night. If my son has that much self-assurance at that age, and has such pride in his school, we will be very happy. They are wonderful role models.”

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