TJHS Expectations - @ TJHS we C.A.R.E.
Expected classroom behaviours:
We Co-operate
- Lining up quietly outside each classroom before lessons
- Listening to and follow your teacher’s instructions, without question
- Wearing full school uniform for every lesson
- Arriving on time and prepared to learn to every lesson
We Achieve
- Trying to achieve your very best in every classroom / every lesson
- Bringing all your books and equipment every lesson
- Completing all your homework and submit all assignments on time
- Asking questions when you need help and support with your learning
We Respect
- Demonstrating resilience and self -respect by being well mannered in all classrooms
- Using acceptable language when speaking with all members of the school community
- Demonstrating pride in your school by behaving in a way that shows that you value learning and the school’s learning spaces
- Showing respect to staff and learning time by switching off your mobile and putting it away during lesson time
- Understand or respect differences in others
We Engage
- Listening and respectfully asking questions when you require assistance with your learning
- Showing staff and students that you are honest and are trustworthy
- Actively participating in all types of learning in classrooms
- Showing support to others who might need your help
Expected playground behaviours:
We Co-operate
- Being friendly and understanding of others ( staff and students) in the playground
- Doing what the teacher on duty asks without questioning
- Staying ‘in-bounds’ so that you can be supervised
- Participating in games on the basketball courts or sit quietly in other areas
- Not eating on the oval ( Lunch 2)
- Participating in non-contact games on the oval
We Achieve
- Using your recess and lunchtime wisely
- Making sure you use the time to hydrate and eat before class – to maximise your learning time
- Using your break times to visit toilets so that your lesson time is not interrupted
- Enjoying positive interactions with your peers
We Respect
- Using digital devices appropriately and respectfully in all areas of the school
- Considering the feelings of others in your playground space – always use appropriate language.
- Keeping your area clean by using the rubbish bins provided
- Being polite and well-mannered to the Canteen staff and students when waiting to be served
- Following all instructions on the Oval
We Engage
- Participating in any extra lunchtime activities that interest you
- Moving quickly to lessons
- In the library, behave respectfully