The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805

School uniform

The Jannali High School’s uniform policy reflects the high expectations we have of our students. The uniform emphasises our school identity, and as such we expect our students to wear their uniform with pride. Consequently, the school, in conjunction with the P & C, endorses the correct wearing of our uniform at all times.

The School Uniform Shop

Trading Hours

The new Uniform Shop will be open Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm. 


Midford have asked that parents make an appointment during the Back to School Trading Hours; please use this link to make appointments.

Online Ordering

Midford offer an online service so you can purchase at your convenience. They also offer a home delivery service for a $15 fee or your order can be collected from the Uniform Shop on trading days.

Please refer to the Online Flyer QR Code for further information.

Returns and Refunds

Uniform items can be returned and refunded if the incorrect size is selected. All garments being returned must not have been altered, worn or laundered and in the original packaging including with swing tags attached.


Midford accept all forms of credit and debit cards. Please note they do NOT accept cash.

Any items not listed on the uniform price list such as hoodies, undershirts, coloured and visible under garments, and beanies are not part of the school uniform and as such are not to be worn to school.


The Jannali High School began the transition to our uplifted uniform which includes our new school emblem and branding. The Jannali High School’s uniform policy reflects the high expectations we have of our students. The uniform emphasises our school identity, and as such we expect our students to wear their uniform with pride. Consequently, the school, in conjunction with the P & C, endorses the correct wearing of our uniform at all times.


Pleated check day skirt

White (junior) or sky blue (senior) button through over blouse with embroidered logo

Navy gabardine tailored trousers

Navy gabardine tailored shorts

White socks above the ankle. No logos or motifs

Black or blue stockings (winter). No logos or motifs

Black lace-up, fully enclosed leather/suede shoes

Navy v-neck jumper with school logo

Navy microfibre jacket with school logo

Navy scarf (winter only)



White (junior) or sky blue (senior) button through

shirt with embroidered pocket

Navy melange zip fly dress short

Navy melange zip fly tailored trouser

Navy v-neck jumper with school logo

Navy microfibre jacket with school logo

White socks above the ankle. No logos or motifs

Black lace-up fully enclosed leather/suede shoes

Navy scarf (winter only)



Light blue collared mesh polo shirt with school logo

Navy microfibre shorts with school logo

Navy microfibre track pants with school logo                                                    

White socks, above the ankle. No logos, no motifs

Leather sports shoes or joggers (no canvas shoes)

Navy microfibre or soft shell jacket with school logo

Navy v-neck jumper













To support families to understand the implementation process and expectations of the uniform, a Frequently Asked Questions fact sheet has been put together.

1.     Which items of school uniform will be changing?

All items of the academic and sports uniform that currently carry the school emblem.  Not only will these items carry the new school emblem, most have also undergone a style uplift.  This is especially the case for all items of the sports uniform.

2.     Which items of school uniform will not be changing?

The girls’ skirts, shorts and pants will not be changing in style, colour or to include the school emblem.  This is also the case for the boys’ shorts and trousers.

3.     Where will the school uniform be available for purchasing?

All items of school uniform, including the sports uniform, will be sold through the school uniform shop only. Online ordering will remain an available option for families for all items of uniform.

4.     Will the girls’ pants and shorts be available through the school uniform shop?

Yes, these will be a stock item in the school uniform shop.

5.     When will the new uniform come into effect and for which year groups?

The new uniform items will come into effect for 2024.  These will be mandatory uniform requirements for Year 7 and Year 11 and will be available for purchasing during Term 4 of 2023 from the school uniform shop only.

6.     Will Year 11 students be expected to buy the new sports uniform?

As Year 11 students don’t do Thursday Afternoon Sport, they will not be required to purchase the new sports uniform.  For Year 11 students who choose Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation in their pattern of study, they will be able to wear the current sports uniform.

7.     Is it compulsory for Year 11 students in 2024 to purchase the new blue shirts?

Yes, it is expected that all students in Year 11 in 2024 will wear the new blue academic uniform.

8.     Why will Year 11 students in 2024 be expected to buy the new uniform?

Whenever there is an introduction of a new uniform, transitioning all students into the new uniform as quickly as possible is the desired outcome.  Therefore, beginning with Year 7 and Year 11 means this can be done within 3-4 years.

9.     Is it compulsory for Year 11 students in 2024 to purchase the new school jumper or jacket?

No, it won’t be compulsory for Year 11 students in 2024 to purchase the new school jumper or jacket.  Traditionally, Year 11 students purchase their Year 12 jumper/jacket during the year in preparation to wear them from Term 4 of their Year 11 year.  We will consider purchasing the Year 12 jumper/jacket earlier in 2024 for this cohort.

10.  What happens if my child requires new items of uniform and is not in Year 7 or Year 11?

From the end of 2023 the uniform items that carry the previous school emblem will become obsolete. The new uniform will be available for all students from 2024.  This means parents can purchase various items as required from the school uniform shop during the transition period.

11.  Why can’t the current senior uniform be passed down to my younger child who will be in Year 11 in 2024?

The introduction of the new school uniform will be expected for students in Year 7 and Year 11 in 2024.

Similar to senior students, there may be students going into Year 7 with an older sibling at the school where this opportunity to pass down some items of uniform.

In many cases, families purchase new uniform for their children going into Year 7 or Year 11.  We are attempting to minimise the financial difficulty for all families with the introduction of the new uniform especially with Year 11 as they will only have a maximum of two years wearing the new uniform.

We have a Student Assistance Program that supports families in meeting the costs associated with school including uniform.

Parents can contact the school to access this support for 2024.

12.  Can patches be made with the new school emblem to be sewn over the current one?

Given the different styles and placement of the school emblem on the current uniform, this option may not be feasible.

The added expense of purchasing a patch may be better directed to support parents in purchasing the new academic shirts.

13.  What will happen with the left-over uniform stock?

Remaining PE uniforms will be donated to the PDHPE Faculty to support students who have left/misplaced/lost their uniform to ensure students are able to participate in practical lessons. All other items will be donated to charity for re-educational purposes.


Students are expected to wear the correct uniform each day. Students who are out of uniform are expected to have a valid reason, outlined in a note from the parent or guardian. This note must be presented to the Roll Call teacher who will issue a day uniform pass.

However, a number of clothing items are not permitted at any time:

  • Non-approved sloppy – joe or “hoodie” style tops, under or over the school uniform
  • “Bike” pants, lycra tights, lycra shorts, or “micro” shorts
  • Undershirts or t-shirts with logos that are visible through the school shirt
  • Shoes that do not completely cover the foot
  • Hats with offensive logos or that show advertising for products such as cigarettes or alcohol
  • Singlet tops
  • Midriff tops 

Any student who is found wearing these items at school will be asked to remove them or will be asked to change into suitable school uniform provided from the second-hand clothing pool. 

Other items that are NOT part of the school uniform include: 

  • Coloured undershirts (white is acceptable)
  • Long-sleeve undershirts
  • Coloured socks
  • Beanies
  • Oz-tag or other such sports shorts 

Students must have a note and this must be signed and dated by their parents and handed to their roll call teacher, otherwise a detention is issued. 
On THREE occasions out of uniform an AFTERNOON DETENTION is issued (refer to uniform procedure flowchart).

Parents are also asked to ensure that jewellery and other accessories conform to occupational health and safety guidelines.

  • Earrings are to be studs or no larger than 2cm in diameter
  • Fingernails should be no longer than 7mm from the fingertip
  • Acrylic nails should be no longer than 7mm from the fingertip
  • Nose piercings should be studs or rings no larger than 1cm in diameter
  • Eyebrow piercings should be studs
  • Belts should be plain leather with small buckles
  • Bracelets or bangles should be kept to minimum