The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805

Welfare structures - "Who Can I Ask?"

Who do I see if…

I am having difficulties with learning or understanding my work?

You may choose to see either your:

·  Classroom teachers

·  Head Teachers

·  Learning Support Team Coordinator

·  School Counsellor

·  Year Adviser

I am having conflict with people at school?

You may choose to see either:

·  Year Adviser

·  Supervisor Boys

·  Supervisor Girls

·  School Counsellor

·  Welfare Coordinator

·  Deputy Principal

I have been threatened and feel unsafe at school?

You may choose to see either:

·  Year Adviser

·  Classroom Teacher

·  Teacher / Head Teacher on duty

·  Supervisor Boys

·  Supervisor Girls

·  Welfare Coordinator

·  Deputy Principal

I am being bullied or harassed (including name calling or racial discrimination)?

You may choose to see either:

·  Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO)

·  Classroom Teacher

·  Teacher / Head Teacher on duty

·  Year Adviser

·  Supervisor Boys

·  Supervisor Girls

·  Deputy Principal