The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805

Subject selection


Students are required to select electives for Year 9.  In Years 9 and 10 students at TJHS will study:

1.    Mandatory courses – English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, PD/Health/PE.

2.    Elective subjects 
       ·  Year 9 – students study two electives for 2 years
       ·  Year 10 – students select an additional elective to study for 1 year

Unlike Year 8 it is not mandatory to study technology (Home Economics and Industrial Arts subjects), Visual Arts, Music or a Language other than English.

Year 9 2024 Subject Selection booklet

Year 9 2024 PowerPoint presentation

Year 9 2025 Subject Selection booklet

Year 9 2025 PowerPoint presentation


In Year 10 you choose one extra elective (100 hour course). This is done online. You will continue with your current electives (200 hour courses) from Year 9. You may not choose the same elective you are already doing.  You may not change your Year 9 electives. Your Year 9 electives next year will have 4 periods while your new elective will have 5 periods per cycle.

The documents below gives course descriptions of the Line 7 subjects we offer:

Year 10 Line 7 Subject Selection booklet

Year 10 PowerPoint presentation

Year 10 Line 7 2025 Subject Selection booklet

YEARS 11 and 12

The Higher School Certificate is the culmination of 13 years of schooling. At TJHS we offer you a full range of subjects to cater for individual abilities, interests and goals. There are many different subjects and courses from which to choose. We speak in terms of units. There are 1 unit, 2 unit and extension courses. One unit indicates 3 periods of study per cycle; two units means 7 periods. You can choose different types of subjects:

  • Board Developed Courses (BDC's) are developed by the Board of Studies. They are used in the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). They are usually 2 unit courses and the extension courses.
  • Framework Vocational Education and Training (VET) Courses are available in a number of areas. These offer accreditation through the TAFE system as well as the HSC and require students to participate in work placement. These are 2 unit courses and contribute towards your ATAR (if you sit the HSC examination in the subject).
  • Board Endorsed Courses are not used in ATAR calculation. They include non-framework TAFE courses (TVET).

Making a choice

Talk with your parents, teachers and friends. Consider the following factors when making a choice:

  • interests - what you like;
  • abilities - what you are good at;
  • career - what might be good for your future.

Preliminary /HSC Subject Selection booklet

TVET Guide

2025 Preliminary/HSC Subject Selection booklet

2025 TVET Guide

2025 Year 10 into 11 Powerpoint Presentation

Subject contribution fees

Some elective subjects have a fee for consumables. Students are well advised to consider contribution fees when choosing elective subjects.