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The Jannali High School

The Jannali High School


Telephone02 9521 2805

Update 23 July 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

With Week 2 of Term 3 coming to an end, I want to again thank our whole community for their efforts during this ever-changing situation. Thanks to our students for their ability to be flexible and resilient in moving so very quickly to online learning. The skills and attributes you are all developing, in what are very trying times, will support your ability to meet the diverse challenges of the future. To our parents, your patience and support of not only your child but of the school is very much appreciated. Realise that not every day will work out as planned and that this is okay. Looking after each other is what really matters. To all the staff at The Jannali High School, your ability to adapt and change up the way we are not only delivering teaching and learning, but all the other additional tasks and supports undertaken by support staff and administrative staff in a virtual world is very inspiring.

As we move into Week 3, I would request that students continue with Week 3 ‘Continuation of Learning’ programs with a reminder that your Google Classrooms provides you with the explicit information regarding your tasks. Again, it is through this platform, that if required, students can seek teacher support.

Year 12

Please find a summary of the latest advice from NESA as of today regarding Year 12:

“The NESA COVID Response Committee has made additional changes to the 2021 HSC timetable to give students certainty in the lead up to performance, practical and written examinations.

 In line with Health advice, we will:

These changes mean all students have some additional time to prepare for exams or complete their project and still receive their results this year. The decision aims to give students as much clarity as possible so they can focus on their studies, their wellbeing and plans for the future. 

We know that some students and schools may be facing additional challenges. We will provide further detail on arrangements needed to ensure equity and fairness for all students. 

Revised timetables for the language oral, practical, performance and written exams will be published on the NESA website and Students Online by next Friday.”

The school has begun working on contingency plans for all Year groups if we continue in this learning from home phase. We realise that this is a very difficult time for everyone. Please stay safe and look after yourself and each other.

Kind regards

Dave Stewart, Relieving Principal